The Christian Studio will not have a large facility like the Hollywood studios. The purpose of TCS is to facilitate a continuous flow of movies being produced that can have an impact for Christ on our nation. TCS will receive and develop screenplays and treatments from Christian writers and evaluate them -- not only for their potential commercial success, but also for their potential spiritual influence on our society. Prior to funding, each story will be evaluated for its potential for commercial and spiritual success. The objective is to have several movies in production at the same time, through independent production companies, and have a continuous flow of these dynamic and quality movies released to the public. Budgets would vary from a low of $500,000 up to $250,000,000.The Christian Studio would evaluate such stories as I have listed on our "Projects" page as well as others in terms of overall budget and potential for commercially-successful production, including potential theatrical release, television production, release to churches, and/or DVD release and distribution. TCS would not receive funding for the movies nor be responsible for the accounting. The funds would go directly to the company producing the movie. The investor would deal directly with the production company. TCS would simply bring powerful stories of faith together with investor and producer.There is hope for America and may the production of movies of faith influence millions of lives for Christ.